“Chinese media are showing hardworking hero stories, it's Jeong Jae Pung’s wedding anniversary … ‘come home soon’ his sign says [according to the BBC reporter] … his wife is a nurse looking after virus patients and contact with the outside world is forbidden…” (BBC News at 10, 13/02/2020)
So what’s wrong with this picture?
The nurse is on a mobile phone wearing her PPE outside of the hospital, according to the UK’s guidelines it should be removed inside the patient’s room and why is she using her mobile phone?!
This breaches Infection Control policy in so many ways; leading to contamination of the hospital and the wider environment and also exposes this person and their family to the virus. She might as well not bother wearing the PPE at all.
This picture is so crazy it deserves a caption competition, no prizes, just the kudos for being the wittiest reader of the bug blog!
Add your caption below or on Facebook :-)