The outbreak occurred between December 2012 and April 2013. The limited details published by Public Health England are that 9 cats from the same location in Berkshire were diagnosed with Mycobacterium bovis infection and have transferred this infection to their owners.
“Could you catch TB from YOUR tabby?” (The headline in the Daily Mail) As a microbiologist and an owner of 5 cats, I had to blog on the news that cats have infected their owners with Tuberculosis!
The outbreak occurred between December 2012 and April 2013. The limited details published by Public Health England are that 9 cats from the same location in Berkshire were diagnosed with Mycobacterium bovis infection and have transferred this infection to their owners. So last week I discussed carbapenemase enzymes and their
implications for patient management. This week I will move on to how to detect these enzymes in the microbiology laboratory and how patients will be managed from an infection control point of view. I have recently had the pleasure of interviewing for new Consultant colleagues and I thought it would be good to ask them “what infection keeps you awake at night?” Their answers where all the same: carbapenemases. HACEK is the acronym commonly used to describe and help doctors to remember a group of fastidious Gram-negative bacilli which normally live in the mouth, but which can also cause infective endocarditis. They are not common; less than 3% of endocarditis is caused by HACEK bacteria. More commonly endocarditis is caused by Alpha-haemolytic Streptococcus sp. (previously known as Viridans Streptococcus sp.), Enterococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp.
Acute Trusts have been awaiting the new guidance published by NHS England for Clostridium difficile objectives and sanctions, since the beginning of February. After a fierce 2013 target, acute Trust’s anticipation was high; how low will it be this time?
Facebook has deleted the Microbiology Nuts & Bolts pages - if you want your weekly dose of microbiology then you will need to come here, and we look forward to you continuing to read it!
Blog Author:
David Garner Please DO NOT advertise products and conferences on our website or blog
November 2022